Wednesday, 1403/9/21
Hiiii! How are you? Guys today we have movie time together!
First of all watch the video guide below to understand what to do
Now tap on this link and start the movie time
Don't forget to check the homework profile and do the activities and your homework
Hope to see you soon. Bye
Monday, 1403/9/19
Hi! Please watch these videos about "story" below
Please check the homework profile for your homework
Guys don't forget to work on your previous projects and presentation and bring them to school
Sunday, 1403/9/18
Hi guys. hope you are all safe and sound. Please watch these videos about "names of the animals" and "song" below
Please download this file and write the answers on the piece of paper and send me the answers on homework profile
Saturday, 1403/9/17
Hi everyone! Hope you are all ok and fine. I miss you so much
Please watch the videos "listening" and "review" and for the review video have a piece of paper or your notebook and and a pen or pencil